books by author

Peter L.

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Canal Barges and Narrowboats

By Smith, Peter L.

Criminal Court in Action

By Barnard, David, Gray, Peter L., Bogan, Paul S.

Cladistics: Theory and Practice of Parsimony Analysis: the Theory and Practice of Parsimony Analysis: No.11 (Systematics Association Special Volumes)

By Kitching, Ian J., Forey, Peter L., Humphries, Christopher J., Williams, David

P.L. Bernstein's Against the Gods(Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk (Hardcover))1996

By Peter L. Bernstein, Bernstein, Peter L.

Statistical Methods in Research and Production: With Particular Reference to the Chemical Industry

By Davies, Owen L., Goldsmith, Peter L.

Modeling Students' Mathematical Modeling Competencies: ICTMA 13 (International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling)

By Lesh, Richard, Galbraith, Peter L., Haines, Christopher R., Hurford, Andrew

Puzzle Me: No. 1: Book of Word Games and Puzzles

By Goldsmith, Peter L.

Environment, Resources and Conservation (Cambridge Topics in Geography)

By Susan Owens, Peter L. Owens, Owens, Susan, Peter L.

Mims' Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 6e: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access

By Goering BA MSc PhD, Richard, Dockrell BA (Mod) PhD, Hazel, Zuckerman BSc (Hons) MB BS MRCP MSc FRCPath, Mark, Chiodini BSc MBBS PhD MRCS FRCP FRCPath FFTMRCPS(Glas), Peter L.

A Pictorial History of Canal Craft

By Smith, Peter L.

Wombat Goes Walkabout

By Lilja, David J., Bird, Peter L., Morpurgo, Michael, Birmingham, Christian

The Myth of Individualism: How Social Forces Shape Our Lives

By Callero, Peter L.

Primer of Behavioural Pharmacology

By Carlton, Peter L.

Puzzle Me: No.2: Book of Word Games and Puzzles (Puzzle Me: Book of Word Games and Puzzles)

By Goldsmith, Peter L.

Mims' Medical Microbiology: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access: 4th Edition

By Goering BA MSc PhD, Richard, Dockrell BA (Mod) PhD, Hazel, Zuckerman BSc (Hons) MB BS MRCP MSc FRCPath, Mark, Wakelin BSc PhD DSc FRCPath, Derek, Roitt DSc HonFRCP FRCPath FRS, Ivan, Mims BSc MD FRCPath, Cedric, Chiodini Professor, Peter L.

The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge

By Berger, Peter L., Luckmann, Thomas

Basic Human Embryology

By Williams, Peter L., etc.

Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk

By Bernstein, Peter L.

Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk

By Bernstein, Peter L.

The Power of Gold: The History of an Obsession

By Bernstein, Peter L.

Invitation to Sociology: A Humanistic Perspective (Pelican)

By Berger, Peter L.

A Rumour of Angels: Modern Society And the Rediscovery of the Supernatural (Pelican S.)

By Berger, Peter L.

The Homeless Mind: Modernization And Consciousness

By Berger, Peter L., Brigitte Berger and Hansfried Kellner, Peter L. Berger

Pyramids of Sacrifice: Political Ethics and Social Change

By Berger, Peter L.

Sociology: A Biographical Approach (Penguin education)

By Berger, Peter L., Berger, Brigitte, Berger, Brigitte


By Gray, Henry, Warwick, Roger, Williams, Peter L.


By Gray, Henry, Warwick, Roger, Williams, Peter L.


By Gray, Henry, Williams, Peter L., Warwick, Roger

Gray's Anatomy : The Anatomical Basis of Medicine and Surgery (British Edition. 38th Ed)

By Williams, Peter L.

Mims' Medical Microbiology: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access: 4th Edition

By Goering BA MSc PhD, Richard, Dockrell BA (Mod) PhD, Hazel, Zuckerman BSc (Hons) MB BS MRCP MSc FRCPath, Mark, Wakelin BSc PhD DSc FRCPath, Derek, Roitt DSc HonFRCP FRCPath FRS, Ivan, Mims BSc MD FRCPath, Cedric, Chiodini Professor, Peter L.