books by author
Oxford Reading Tree: Stages 1-9: Rhyme and Analogy: Story Rhymes: King's Socks
The Big Bad Story Book
The Shark Who Bit Things He Shouldn't (Read with S.)
The Dragon Who Couldn't Help Breathing Fire (Picture Hippo)
Off to School: Bk. 2 (Read With Ladybird)
The Train who was Frightened of the dark
Early Years Poems and Rhymes (Scholastic Collections)
Luther's Surprise Disguise
Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea
Morning Break and Other Poems
The Big Book of Dragons: "School for Dragons" by A.Jungman, "Bad-tempered Dragon" by J.Lennon, "Little Pet Dragon" by P.Gregory (Young Hippo Big Book S.)
My Mum is Mad!: Bk. 9 (Read With Ladybird)
Funny Feet (Storyboard)