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The Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman: v. 1: 1955-67, Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman

By Hunter S. Thompson, Douglas Brinkley, William J. Kennedy, Ph.D., PE

A Guide to Prayer for All God's People

By Rueben P Job, Norman Shawchuck, Ph.D.

The Other Side of Love: Handling Anger in a Godly Way

By Gary Chapman, Ph.D.

Fine Wines and Fish Oil: The Life of Hugh MacDonald Sinclair

By Jeannette Ewin, Ph.D., D.F. Horrobin

Why Can't You Read My Mind?

By Jeffrey Bernstein, Ph.D., Susan Magee

Guide to Prayer: For Ministers & Other Servants

By Rueben P Job, Norman Shawchuck, Ph.D.

1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12

By Thomas phelan, Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D.

Mr. George Eliot: Biography of George Henry Lewes

By david williams, Ph.D.

The Concise Evangelical Dictionary of Theology

By Walter A Elwell, Ph.D., Dr Peter Toon

The Best Stories from Guideposts: Inspiring Accounts of God's Miraculous Intervention in People's Lives

By Guideposts, Robert T Teske, Ph.D.

Six Pillars of Self-Esteem: The Definitive Work on Self-Esteem by the Leading Pioneer in the Field

By Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.

Master Teaching Techniques

By Bernard F Cleveland, Ph.D.

Human Body

By Richard Walker, Ph.D.

Anam Cara: Mysticism from the Celtic World

By John O'Donohue, Ph.D.

Eternal Echoes: Exploring Our Hunger To Belong

By John O'Donohue, Ph.D.

The Fats We Need to Eat

By Jeannette Ewin, Ph.D.

The Complete Idiot's Guide (R) to NASA

By Thomas Jones, Ph.D., Michael Benson

One Nation Under Sex: How the Private Lives of Presidents, First Ladies and Their Lovers Changed the Course of American History

By Larry Flynt, David Eisenbach, Ph.D.

The Big Questions: How Philosophy Can Change Your Life

By Lou Marinoff, Ph.D.

The History of Cuba

By Clifford L. Staten, Ph.D.

One Nation Under Sex: How the Private Lives of Presidents, First Ladies and Their Lovers Changed the Course of American History

By Larry Flynt, David Eisenbach, Ph.D.

What's Going on in There?: How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life

By Lise Eliot, Ph.D.

Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance

By Scott K Powers, Edward T Howley, Ph.D.

Mid-Atlantic Companion

By David Frost, Michael Shea, Ph.D.

The Way We're Working Isn't Working

By Tony Schwartz, Catherine McCarthy, Ph.D., Jean Gomes

Fromms: How Julius Fromm's Condom Empire Fell to the Nazis

By Gotz Aly, Michael Sontheimer, Shelley Frisch, Ph.D.

Turbulent Mirror

By John Briggs, Ph.D., David F Peat

Girl Wars

By PH D Cheryl Dellasega, Ph.D., PH D Charisse Nixon

Slang and Euphemism: A Dictionary of Oaths, Curses, Insults, Sexual Slang and Metaphor, Racial Slurs, Drug Talk, Homosexual Lingo, and Rela

By Richard A Spears, Ph.D.

The China Study: Revised and Expanded Edition: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-Term Health

By T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., Thomas M. Campbell II