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Advances in Robot Kinematics: Analysis and Design

By Lenarčič, Jadran, Wenger, Philippe

Oralbums: L'arbre a Gouters (Book + CD)

By Boisseau, Philippe

Site-directed insertion of transgenes: 23 (Topics in Current Genetics, 23)

By Renault, Sylvaine, Duchateau, Philippe

The Great Escape

By Dupasquier, Philippe

Biodiversity in the Marine Environment

By Goulletquer, Philippe, Gros, Boeuf, Gilles, Weber, Jacques

Nazi Anti-Semitism: From Prejudice to the Holocaust

By Burrin, Philippe

Franz Et Clara: 6121537 (Romans, Nouvelles, Recits (Domaine Francais))

By Labro, Philippe

Open World: The Truth about Globalisation

By Legrain, Philippe

The Factory (Busy Places)

By Dupasquier, Philippe

Essais : L'Empire du Bien, Apres l'Histoire I-II, Exorcismes spirituels I-IV: Index des noms propres, des oeuvres, hyperfestif (Romans, Essais, Poesie, Documents)

By Muray, Philippe, Morch, Vincent

Log Data Acquisition and Quality Control

By Theys, Philippe

I Can't Sleep

By Dupasquier, Philippe

The Factory (Busy Places)

By Dupasquier, Philippe

The Airport (Busy Places)

By Dupasquier, Philippe

The Garage (Busy Places)

By Dupasquier, Philippe

The Decline of the Third Republic, 1914–1938 (The Cambridge History of Modern France, Series Number 5)

By Bernard, Philippe, DUBIEF, Henri, Forster, Thony

L' Anniversaire de Mini-Loup numéro 3: 2232544

By Matter, Philippe

Collection privée

By Morvan, Jean-David, Buchet, Philippe

A Country Far Away

By Gray, Nigel, Dupasquier, Philippe

The Frenchman: A Photographic Interview with Fernanel (Photo Books S.)

By Halsman, Philippe

La Grande Imagerie Fleurus: Napoleon

By Lamarque, Philippe, Rochut, Jean-Noel

Droit pénal général

By Maistre du Chambon, Patrick, Conte, Philippe

The Rational Unified Process Made Easy: A Practitioner's Guide to the RUP: A Practitioner's Guide to the RUP (Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series)

By Kroll, Per, Kruchten, Philippe

Geographie 1re ES L S: France et Europe : dynamiques des territoires dans la mondialisation

By Rekacewicz, Philippe

Histoire-Géographie Education civique 3e éd. 2012 - Manuel de l'élève (format compact): Manuel élève

By Mougenet, Patrick, Müller, David, Olive, Vincent, Pasqualini, Patrice, Ruhlmann, Jean, Vautier, Stéphane, Bourel, Guillaume, Bras, Catherine, Fremont, Antoine, Guillausseau, Axelle, Lacombrade, Philippe, Marchand, Laurence, Martinetti, Françoise, Joffr...

Dali's Mustache

By Dali, Salvador, Halsman, Philippe

Le Cameroun (A la rencontre de-)

By Gaillard, Philippe

Le Nigeria - un pouvoir en puissance

By Bach, Daniel C., Philippe, Jean, Egg, Johny

Le Cameroun tome 2

By Gaillard, Philippe

l'arbre en bois

By Corentin, Philippe