books by author

The Decline of the Third Republic, 1914–1938 (The Cambridge History of Modern France, Series Number 5)

L' Anniversaire de Mini-Loup numéro 3: 2232544

Collection privée

A Country Far Away

The Frenchman: A Photographic Interview with Fernanel (Photo Books S.)

La Grande Imagerie Fleurus: Napoleon

Who's Afraid of Swapping Spiders?

Disturbance: Philippe Lancon

Annales Brevet 2018 Maths, physique-chimie, SVT et technologie 3ème

Passeport Toutes les matières - De la 6e à la 5e

Dreamers of Decadence: Symbolist Painters of the 1890's

Principles of International Environmental Law

Creating a Learning Society: A New Approach to Growth, Development, and Social Progress (Kenneth J. Arrow Lecture Series): A New Approach to Growth, Development, and Social Progress, Reader's Editi...

Tom's Pirate Ship (A spot the difference book)

The Pop-up Atlas of the World

Livre Du Professeur 2 (Cadences: Guide Pedagogique 2)

Violence in War and Peace: An Anthology (Wiley Blackwell Readers in Anthropology)

John Henry Newman: Doctor of the Church

Reading Corner: A Bunch Of Balloons

Concentré de délices

Materiality and Managerial Techniques: New Perspectives on Organizations, Artefacts and Practices (Technology, Work and Globalization)

Le restaurant : théorie et pratique. Tome 1

Bilingual Dictionary of Book Publishing

Paris entre ciel et terre

L'utopie de la communication: Le mythe du village planétaire

The Title of the Letter: A Reading of Lacan (Suny Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)

Jacques Lacan's Return to Freud: The Real, the Symbolic and the Imaginary (Psychoanalytic Crosscurrents): 2 (Psychoanalytic Crosscurrents S)

Tony Blair, les rendez-vous manqués

Châteaux et jardins de Normandie