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Autobiographie d'un lecteur

By Dumayet, Pierre

Dénis de mémoire

By Daix, Pierre

The Mediterranean in the Ancient World

By Braudel, Fernand, Paule, De Ayala, Roselyne, Guilaine, Jean, Rouillard, Pierre, Reynolds, Siân

Les Guides en BD - Tome 19: Le Bébé

By Goupil, Jacky, Tybo, Tranchand, Pierre

Tim en ballon

By Probst, Pierre

Catholic Reformation

By Janelle, Pierre

Communistes contre Staline: Massacre d'une génération

By Broué, Pierre

Homo Academicus

By Bourdieu, Pierre

Sassy Gracie (Pb)

By Sage, James, Pratt, Pierre


By Josse, Pierre

Analytical Sociology and Social Mechanisms

By Demeulenaere, Pierre

Language and Symbolic Power

By Bourdieu, Pierre

The Logic of Practice

By Bourdieu, Pierre

The State Nobility: Elite Schools in the Field of Power

By Bourdieu, Pierre

L'Europe expliquée aux Européens

By Du Peloux, Benoit, Trétiack, Philippe, Antilogus, Pierre

Ludmila'S Broken English

By Pierre, DBC

Paul Verlaine: Biographie

By Petitfils, Pierre


By Carlier, Pierre

Vivons Heureux En Attendant La Mort

By Desproges, Pierre

Caroline En Egypte

By Probst, Pierre


By Cornuel, Pierre, Devos, Lydia

Le Tchad, 15 ans après - Hissène Habré, la Libye et le pétrole

By Darcourt, Pierre

Astérix & Obélix contre César. L'histoire d'un film

By Billard, Pierre

The bridge on the river Kwai

By Boulle, Pierre

Food is Medicine

By Cousin, Pierre

Theory of Literary Production

By Macherey, Pierre, Wall, G.

Cid, Le (Oxford Myths and Legends)

By Corneille, Pierre, McCaughrean, Geraldine, Ambrus, Victor


By Narcejac, Thomas, Boileau, Pierre

The New Way of the World: On Neoliberal Society

By Dardot, Pierre, Laval, Christian, Elliott, Gregory

Laffaire Dreyfus: La république en péril: LA REPUBLIQUE EN PERIL (Découvertes Gallimard. Histoire)

By Birnbaum, Pierre