books by author

Japan, 5000 B.C.-Today (The Great Civilizations S.)

The Economist: An English Language Guide

People Resourcing: Contemporary HRM in Practice: 3rd

The Middle Classes in Europe, 1789-1914 (Themes in comparative history)

Finance and Financial Markets

International Finance (Macmillan business)

International Finance (Macmillan Texts in Economics)

Focus on Japan

Local Projects in Advanced Level Geography

Contemporary Themes in Strategic People Management: A Case-Based Approach

International Finance

Finance and Financial Markets

Market Leader: Intermediate: Banking and Finance

Market Leader: Intermediate: International Management

Evolution of Man (World of Science S.)

The 1830 Revolution in France

People Resourcing and Talent Planning: HRM in practice

People Resourcing: HRM in Practice

Employment Resourcing

Focus On Japan

Japan Under the Shoguns: 1185-1868 (Looking Back)