books by author

Cambridge IGCSE International Mathematics

CCEA GCSE Mathematics Intermediate 1 Student's Book

Biofuels, Solar and Wind as Renewable Energy Systems: Benefits and Risks

Integrated Pest Management: Experiences with Implementation, Global Overview, Vol.4

America’s Most Sustainable Cities and Regions: Surviving the 21st Century Megatrends

Continuous Cover Forestry: 23 (Managing Forest Ecosystems, 23)

Mathematical Studies for the IB Diploma + CD

Food, Energy and Society (Resource & Environmental Sciences series)

IGCSE Mathematics

Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics second edition updated with CD

Checkpoint Maths 3: Bk. 3

The One That Got Away

Age, Sex, Location

CCEA GCSE Mathematics Intermediate 2 Student's Book

Cambridge Essentials Mathematics Extension 8 Pupil's Book with CD-ROM

Cambridge Essentials Mathematics Support 8 Pupil's Book

IGCSE Mathematics (Modular Maths for Edexcel)

Core Mathematics for IGCSE

Checkpoint Maths 1: Book 1 (Checkpoint Series)