books by author

The SPCK Introduction to Simone Weil (SPCK Introductions)

Electronics (Teach Yourself)

Roman Base Metal (Pt. 1) (Roman Base Metal Coins: A Price Guide)

Citizenship and Rights in Thatcher's Britain: Two Views: 3 (Choice in Welfare S.)

Salvador Dali 1904-1989

Simone Weil (Fount Christian Thinkers) (Fount Christian Thinkers S.)

The Great Philosophers: Hegel

Bonhoeffer (Outstanding Christian Thinkers)

Taking Stock of Bonhoeffer: Studies in Biblical Interpretation and Ethics

Basic Electronics Complete Volume 2nd Edn

Politics, Theology and History: 13 (Cambridge Studies in Ideology and Religion, Series Number 13)

Healing the Wounds: The Promise of Ecofeminism

Your Life in Your Hands: Understanding, Preventing and Overcoming Breast Cancer

Writing on Drugs

Managing Change and Making It Stick

Drugs in Perspective

Green Business: Hope or Hoax?

Green Business: Hope or Hoax?

Key Topics in Renal Medicine

Zeros and Ones: Digital Women and the New Technoculture

Understand Electronics: Teach Yourself

Art Galleries and Museums of Great Britain: 1 (Museum Guide)

Community and Ideology: An Essay in Applied Social Philosophy (International Library of Welfare & Philosophy)

Modern Political Thought

Constitutional Reform: The Labour Government's Constitutional Reform Agenda

Writing on Drugs

Drugtakers in an English Town (Social Science Paperbacks)