books by author
Professor of History

The Waters of the Nile: Hydropolitics and the Jonglei Canal, 1900-1988

Puritanism: A Very Short Introduction

Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898

Raising Churchill's Army: The British Army and the War against Germany 1919-1945

Tudor Frontiers and Noble Power: The Making of the British State

Heligoland: Britain, Germany, and the Struggle for the North Sea

Diaspora: A Very Short Introduction

The Making of the Jewish Middle Class: Women, Family and Identity in Imperial Germany

Charles the Second: King of England, Scotland, and Ireland

Eighteenth-Century English Society: Shuttles and Swords

British Slave Emancipation: The Sugar Colonies and the Great Experiment 1830-1865

A Historical Guide to World Slavery

Saint Francis and the Sultan: The Curious History of a Christian-Muslim Encounter

The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain

The Sufi Orders in Islam

The Turks in World History

The Narcissism of Minor Differences: How Europe and America are Alike