books by author

Talking the Talk German

The Experience of Unemployment: 21 (Explorations in Sociology)

Human Resource Management in the Multi-divisional Company

The Gospel Of The Essenes

Spanish Civil War (Documentary History S.)

The Corset: The captivating novel from the prize-winning author of The Silent Companions

Pocket roman

Comfort in Bereavement: The Christian Hope

Strategy and Human Resource Management (Management, Work and Organisations)

Guide to Travel Writing and Photography

Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity

From Big Bang to Big Mystery: Human Origins in the Light of Creation and Evolution

Last English Revolutionary: Tom Wintringham, 1898-1949: Tom Wintringham, 1898-1949, Revised & Updated Edition (Canada Blanch/Sussex Academic Studies on Contemporary Spain)

Bostin' Fittle
The Corset: The captivating novel from the prize-winning author of The Silent Companions

Last Summer in Arcadia: A passionate novel about love, friendship and betrayal

Selected Works (Fyfield Books)

The Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management (Oxford Handbooks)

Revolutionary War: Guerrilla War and Terrorism in Our Time (People & politics)

Inorganic Chemistry

That Childhood Country

Falling for Dancer/Love Like Ha Duo

Penguins (Brick Books)

To Africa with Love: Biography of Mother Mary Martin

Odd Man Out: Biography of Lord Soper of Kingsway

Woodbine Willie: Study of Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy
Ode on St Cecilia's Day 1692

No Other Gods: A Modern Meditation on the Commandments

Reading the Bible: Approaching and Understanding Scripture