books by author

The Good Tiger

A Lamp for the Lambchops

The Twits (Read & Respond)

The Foundations of Modern Political Thought: The Age of Reformation

The Return of Grand Theory in the Human Sciences (Canto)

Reservoir Dogs

Pulp Fiction

Natural Born Killers

Reservoir Dogs: Screenplay (FF Classics)

True romance

Aristide (The Dragon Books)

Virginia Woolf: Virginia Stephen, 1882-1912 v. 1: A Biography

Meet the Authors and Illustrators (Non-fiction)

Autosport File : Williams

The Quentin Blake Book of Nonsense Verse

The Magic Finger

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Colour Edition): Gift Book

D is for Dahl

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

The Medium is the Massage

Charleston: Past and Present

Tell Me a Picture

Last Maharaja: Biography of Sawai Man Singhji II, Maharaja of Jaipur

Touch the Happy Isles: A Journey through the Caribbean

Hard-boiled Legs (Scrapbooks)

Smelly Jelly, Smelly Fish (Scrapbooks)

Mustard, Custard, Grumble Belly and Gravy (Bloomsbury Paperbacks)

A Lamp for Lambchops (A Flat Stanley book)

Stanley and the Magic Lamp