books by author
R. J.
The Stories of David Wilkerson, Nicky Cruz, Brother Andrew, Stanley Browne, Gladys Aylward (Bk. 2) (Faith in Action)
Intermediate Electronics: Bk. 2
A Manual of Paediatric Dentistry, 1e
Wonder: Adult edition
Endurance in Sport (The Encyclopaedia of Sports Medicine)
Atlas of Haematological Cytology
Spatial Structures: Introducing the Study of Spatial Systems in Human Geography
The Hurricane
Orkney Nature (Poyser Natural History)
Human Rights and International Relations
Wonder Journal
An Introduction to the Ancient World
Mission for a Pilot: Story of Leonard Cheshire (Faith in Action)
Trial of Faith (Faith in Action)
In His Service: The Stories of Mother Teresa, Chad Varah, Corrie Ten Boom, Helen Keller, William Booth Bk. 1 (Faith in Action)
In His Service: Bk.3 (Faith in Action)
I Wish He Was Black: Story of Trevor Huddleston (Faith in Action)
The Gangster Who Cried: Story of Nicky Cruz (Faith in Action)
Poles and Zeros in Electrical and Control Engineering
Tales of Hoffmann (Penguin Classics)
The Chaperonins (Cell Biology)
Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises
Research into Practice: Reader for Nurses and the Caring Professions
Edge of Heaven: The Yorkshire Coast
The Cambridge Illustrated Dictionary of Natural History
In His Service: The Stories of Mother Teresa, Chad Varah, Corrie Ten Boom, Helen Keller, William Booth Bk. 1 (Faith in Action)
Incredible Century:A Pictorial History 1901-1970. (Volume 8) (History of the English Speaking World): 008
Common-Channel Signalling (Telecommunications)
The Dynamic Psychological Field (v.1) (Understanding Conflict and War)