books by author
A Bitter Revolution: China's Struggle with the Modern World (Making of the Modern World)
Counselling Students: A Psychodynamic Perspective (Basic Texts in Counselling and Psychotherapy)
Applying E-Commerce in Business
A/AS Level English Language for AQA Student Book (A Level (AS) English Language AQA)
Letter To Christendom
Granta 151: Membranes: 149 (Granta: The Magazine of New Writing)
Where Stones Speak: Historical Trails in Mehrauli, the First City Ofdelhi
Natural Fibres: Advances in Science and Technology Towards Industrial Applications: From Science to Market: 12 (RILEM Bookseries)
A Bitter Revolution: China's struggle with the modern world
The Devil in the Dustbin
Europe's Myths of Orient: Devise and Rule
China's War with Japan, 1937-1945: The Struggle for Survival
China's War with Japan, 1937-1945: The Struggle for Survival