books by author

Kanthapura (New Directions Paperbook): Indian Novel

Japanese Accents In Western Interiors

HRD Audit: Evaluating the Human Resource Function for Business Improvement

Diego and the Baby Sea Turtles (Go, Diego, Go!)

Regionalization of Watersheds: An Approach Based on Cluster Analysis: 58 (Water Science and Technology Library, 58)

Nonstationarities in Hydrologic and Environmental Time Series: 45 (Water Science and Technology Library, 45)

Hilbert-Huang Transform Analysis of Hydrological and Environmental Time Series: 60 (Water Science and Technology Library, 60)

Artificial Neural Networks in Hydrology: 36 (Water Science and Technology Library, 36)

History of Rotating Machinery Dynamics: 20 (History of Mechanism and Machine Science, 20)

Modelling and Monitoring of Coastal Marine Processes

C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

THIRD WORLD PROTEST C: Between Home and the World

Photosynthesis (Studies in Biology)

Contact Lenses

Leading With Knowledge: Knowledge Management Practices in Global Infotech Companies

Ordinary Differential Equations: Theory and Applications

Photosynthesis (Studies in Biology)

Photosynthesis (Studies in Biology)

Photosynthesis (Studies in Biology)

The Insider

Photosynthesis (Studies in Biology)

Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)

Small Area Estimation (Wiley Series in Survey Methodology)

Statistical Inference for Diffusion Type Processes (Kendall's Library of Statistics)

Mechanical Vibrations without Disk

Fowl-filcher (India S.)

Finite Element Method in Engineering