books by author

The Female Face of God in Auschwitz: A Jewish Feminist Theology of the Holocaust (Religion and Gender)

Thealogy and Embodiment: The Post-Patriarchal Reconstruction of Female Sacrality (Feminist Theology S.)

History and Conscience: Studies in Honour of Sean O'Ruirdan

Les obligations convertibles

Bourdieu and Postcolonial Studies: 19 (Postcolonialism Across the Disciplines)

Oxbridge Blues

Problems of Political Philosophy

Introducing Thealogy: Discourse on the Goddess (Introductions in Feminist Theology): v. 3

Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases: 2-Volume Set

Semantics and Pragmatics: Drawing a Line: 11 (Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning, 11)

Animaux super héros

Old Scores

A Double Life

Comment tout peut s'effondrer. Petit manuel de collapsologie à l'usage des générations présentes

Poison: Modern Manifestations of a Blood Libel

Fame and Fortune

Final Demands

Continental Europe (The Good Hotel Guide)

Another End of the World is Possible: Living the Collapse (and Not Merely Surviving It)

Red Hat Linux System Administration Unleashed

Eyes Wide Open: A Memoir of Stanley Kubrick

How Now: 100 Ways to Celebrate the Present Moment

Resilience et environnement: Penser les changements socio-écologiques


After the War

The Latin Lover and Other Stories

Math Geek: From Klein Bottles to Chaos Theory, a Guide to the Nerdiest Math Facts, Theorems, and Equations

The Forest of Moon and Sword