books by author

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IP Routing

Can Man Live Without God

The Gospel of John in the Light of Indian Mysticism: New Edition of Christ the Yogi

Devil in Pinstripes

The Bestseller She Wrote

The Bankster


TheIncredible Banker by Subramanian, Ravi ( Author ) ON Aug-01-2011, Paperback

The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through the Events of Our Lives

International Marketing

Drinking Water Treatment: Focusing on Appropriate Technology and Sustainability (Strategies for Sustainability)

Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Infrastructure Applications: Focusing on Innovation, Technology Implementation and Sustainability (Strategies for Sustainability)

River Control in India: Spatial, Governmental and Subjective Dimensions (Advances in Asian Human-Environmental Research)

e-Business 2.0: Roadmap for Success (Addison-Wesley Information Technology)

I, Isaac, Take Thee, Rebekah: Moving from Romance to Lasting Love

I ISAAC TAKE THEE REBEKAH: Moving from Romance to Lasting Love

QBase Anaesthesia: Volume 2, MCQs for the Final FRCA: MCQs for the Anaesthesia Final FRCA v. 2

Beastly Tales from Here and There

Raga Mala: The Autobiography of Ravi Shankar

Beyond Opinion: Living the Faith We Defend

JESUS AMONG OTHER GODS: The Absolute Claims of the Christian Message

Jesus among Other Gods: The Absolute Claims of the Christian Message

L'Inde Romancee: L'Inde Dans le Genre Romanesque Francais Depuis 1947 (Francophone Cultures & Literatures)

Counselling Students: A Psychodynamic Perspective (Basic Texts in Counselling and Psychotherapy)

International Development: Ideas, Experience, and Prospects

Emergencies in Critical Care