books by author

Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing: A Teacher's Manual

The Holy Spirit in the Bible: An Exploration from Genesis to Revelation

BTEC National Sport & Exercise Science 2nd Edition

Leaving Certificate Biology (Study Assessment S.)

Learning and Development Practice in the Workplace

Geography for CCEA GCSE Revision Guide 2nd Edition

English Unlimited Pre-Intermediate Coursebook

Scotland's Grand Slam, '84

BTEC First Sport Level 2 Assessment Guide: Unit 1 Fitness for Sport & Unit 2 Exercise and Practical Sports Performance

Specific Learning Difficulties: Dyslexia - Challenges and Responses (NFER-Nelson)

BTEC National Sport: Development, Coaching and Fitness

Ireland: A Divided Island (Oxford History for GCSE)

BTEC National Sport: Development, Coaching and Fitness 2nd Edition

Critical Issues in Human Resource Management: Contemporary Perspectives

The White Lie

The Psychology (Problem Solvers)

English Unlimited Upper Intermediate Coursebook with e-Portfolio

Helping Children with Reading and Spelling: A Special Needs Manual

Specific Learning Difficulties: Dyslexia - Challenges and Responses

BTEC First Sport: For Performance, Exercise and Fitness, and Outdoor Recreation

The Arab-Israeli Conflict (Oxford History for GCSE)

International Relations 1914-1995 (Oxford History for GCSE)