books by author


The Explicit Body in Performance

Discover Geography: Pollution And Conservation Hardback (Discovering Geography S.)

Art of the Andes: From Chavin to Inca (World of Art S.)

Ruby Flew Too!

Football Things to Make and Do (Usborne Activities)

Little Yoga

Quiet Girls Can Run the World: The beta woman's handbook to the modern workplace

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

Case Files Pediatrics, Second Edition (LANGE Case Files)

Charlotte Bronte

Dark Earth: the new literary historical fiction novel from the Costa Award-winning author of In the Days of Rain

I'm Sorry You Feel That Way: 'If you liked Meg Mason's Sorrow and Bliss, you'll love this novel' - Good Housekeeping

Still Water: ‘Beautiful and brutal...a breathtaking debut’ JOANNA CANNON

The Something

The Ferry Birds

Jack and Annie's Story Word Book

PM Stars Blue Mixed Pack (18): The Snow Bus PM Stars Blue Narratives: 9

My Colors/ Mis Colores

Mr Chartwell

Busy Garage (Campbell Busy Books, 5)

A Village Feud

A/AS Level Geography for AQA Student Book (A Level (AS) Geography for AQA)

Animal Rulers: Kings of the Skies

Saving Wildlife: 6 (Eco Alert)

In Five Years

Dream Bedroom: Use Recycled Materials to Make Cool Crafts (Ecocrafts) (Ecocrafts S.)

Busy Zoo (Campbell Busy Books, 14)

Islamic Stories (Storyteller S.)