books by author

Roman Civilization: Sourcebook II The Empire (Torchbks.)

Introduction to Health Economics

Switching to a Mac For Dummies

The Nature and Destiny of Man: A Christian Interpretation: Volume One: Human Nature; Volume Two: Human Destiny: 1 & 2 (Library of Theological Ethics)

The Combination of Stellar Influences

Sound Designs: Handbook of Musical Instrument Building

All 14 Eight-thousanders

My Quest for the Yeti: Confronting the Himalays' Deepest M

Everest: Expedition to the Ultimate

Blood and Honor

Colditz: The German Story

Free Spirit: A Climber's Life

Munch: His Life and Work

Coping with Demographic Change: A Comparative View on Education and Local Government in Germany and Poland: 19 (European Studies of Population, 19)

Das Rasch Modell in der Praxis: Eine Einführung mit eRm