books by author

Foundation History: Student Book. TheTwentieth Century World

War In Britain

Foundation History: Student Book. Indians of North America (Heinemann History Study Units)

History Pack 3 - Things Change (Level 1) (Sunshine history)

History Pack 4 - Special Days (Level 1) (Sunshine history)

Victorian Times: 11 (What Families Were Like)

What People Wore: Key Stage 2 (PELICAN BIG BOOKS)

Leading Lives: Winston Churchill Hardback
I Remember

1900-14 (Bk. 1) (Twentieth-century British history)

History Pack 2 - Buildings (Level 1) (Sunshine history)

Imperial China (Heinemann History Study Units)

Medicine Through Time Foundation Student Book (Heinemann Secondary History Project)

Victorian Clothes Extra Large Format Non-Fiction 2 (LONGMAN BOOK PROJECT)

1945-80's - Britain After the War (Bk. 3) (Twentieth Century British History)

Blitz ! (The Home Front)

Living Through History: Foundation Book. The 20th Century World

History Pack 1 - People in History (Level 1) (Sunshine history)

The Tudors (History Starts Here)

The Home Front: The Blitz

Living Through History: Foundation Book. Medieval Realms

The Era of the Second World War (Foundation History)

Foundation History: Student Book. The Roman Empire (Heinemann History Study Units)

Heinemann History Scheme: Foundation Book 1 - Life in Medieval Times

The Blitz: 10 (The Home Front)

Propaganda (Home Front)

The Home Front: The Blitz

The Home Front: The Blitz: 8

The Tudors (History Starts Here)