books by author

Richard J.

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Liquid Crystalline Semiconductors: Materials, properties and applications: 169 (Springer Series in Materials Science, 169)

By Bushby, Richard J., Kelly, Stephen M., O'Neill, Mary

Metastasis of Prostate Cancer: 10 (Cancer Metastasis - Biology and Treatment, 10)

By Ablin, Richard J., Mason, Malcolm D.

Broad Scale Coastal Simulation: New Techniques to Understand and Manage Shorelines in the Third Millennium: 49 (Advances in Global Change Research, 49)

By Nicholls, Robert J., Dawson, Richard J., Day (née Nicholson-Cole), Sophie A.

The Social Progress of Nations Revisited, 1970–2020: 50 Years of Development Challenges and Accomplishments: 78 (Social Indicators Research Series, 78)

By Estes, Richard J.

Induction Accelerators (Particle Acceleration and Detection)

By Takayama, Ken, Briggs, Richard J.

The Pursuit of Human Well-Being: The Untold Global History (International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life)

By Estes, Richard J., Sirgy, M. Joseph

Combatting Jihadist Terrorism through Nation-Building: A Quality-of-Life Perspective (Human Well-Being Research and Policy Making)

By Sirgy, M. Joseph, Estes, Richard J., El-Aswad, El-Sayed, Rahtz, Don R.

Medicine for Examinations: A Streamline Approach to Revision

By Epstein, Richard J.

The Third Reich at War: How the Nazis Led Germany from Conquest to Disaster

By Evans, Richard J.

Basic Geological Mapping: (4e edition) (Geological Field Guide)

By Barnes, John W., Lisle, Richard J.

Introduction to Physical Hydrology (University Paperbacks)

By Chorley, Richard J.

Introduction to Geographical Hydrology (University Paperbacks)

By Chorley, Richard J.


By Vaccaro, Richard J.

The Therapeutic Environment (Core Concepts)

By Hazler, Richard J.

Quality of Service in the Emerging Networking Panorama: 5th International Workshop on Quality of Future Internet Services, QofIS 2004, and WQoSR 2004 ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3266)

By Solé-Pareta, Josep, Smirnov, Michael, Van Mieghem, Piet, Domingo-Pascual, Jordi, Monteiro, Edmundo, Reichl, Peter, Stiller, Burkhard, Gibbens, Richard J.

Analysis of Genes and Genomes

By Reece, Richard J.

Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology: Text with CD-ROM

By Johnson MD, Richard J., Feehally MA DM FRCP, John

Geological Structures and Maps: A Practical Guide

By Lisle, Richard J.

Devotional Classics: Selected Readings for Individuals and Groups

By Foster, Richard J., Smith, James Bryan

Freedom of Simplicity

By Foster, Richard J.

An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications

By Larsen, Richard J., Marx, Morris L.

Cambridge Bible Commentaries: The First and Second Books of Esdras (Cambridge Bible Commentaries on the Apocrypha)

By Coggins, Richard J.

Global Reach: The Power of the Multinational Corporations

By Barnet, Richard J., Müller, Ronald E.

The Neuroanesthesia Handbook

By Sperry MD, Richard J., Stone MD, David J., Johnson MD PhD, Joel, Spiekerman MD, Burkhard F., Yemen MD, Terrence A.

Integrated Models in Geography (University Paperbacks)

By Chorley, Richard J., Haggett, Peter

Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology (Comprehensive series)

By Johnson MD, Richard J., Feehally MA DM FRCP, John

Roman Base Metal (Pt. 1) (Roman Base Metal Coins: A Price Guide)

By Plant, Richard J., Perkins, Christopher Henry

Ernst Lubitsch's "Ninotchka" (Film Classics Library)

By Anobile, Richard J.

Advanced Organic Chemistry: Part A: Structure and Mechanisms: Pt. A

By Carey, Francis A., Sundberg, Richard J.

Advanced Organic Chemistry: Part B: Reaction and Synthesis

By Carey, Francis A., Sundberg, Richard J.