books by author
Robert C.

Contemporary Linear Algebra

A Dictionary of Genetics

Principles of Petroleum Development Geology (Prentice Hall Petroleum Engineering Series)

Sales Management: International Edition

Luke (Abingdon New Testament Commentaries)

Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (A Puffin Book)

Reception Theory (New Accents)

Dr. Atkins' Superenergy Diet

More C++ Gems: 17 (SIGS Reference Library, Series Number 17)

Enhancing Relationships Between Children and Teachers

Theology of Culture (Galaxy Books): 124

Defoe's "Moll Flanders" (20th Century Interpretations S.)

Fast Facts: Respiratory Tract Infection

Organic Chemistry: A Brief Course

Beyond Good and Evil Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future (Oxford World's Classics)

A to Z Guide to the Catholic Faith

Atkins for Life: The Complete Controlled Carb Program for Permanent Weight Loss and Good Health

Modern Business Administration

Oxford Handbook of Paediatrics 2/e (Flexicover) (Oxford Medical Handbooks)

Analysis for Financial Management

Dr. Atkins' Quick and Easy New Diet Cookbook

Modern Business Administration

Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future (Oxford World's Classics)

X-ray Diffraction and the Identification and Analysis of Clay Minerals

Warrior Kings and Princes of Britain 1066-1422

The Sanford Guide to HIV/AIDS Therapy 2009

Logic and Representation (Center for the Study of Language and Information Publication Lecture Notes)

Victims of Crime

International Economics