books by author


The Shape of the World, The: Mapping and Discovery of the Earth

Before the Poison

Diversity & Difference in Childhood, 2nd Edition

Africa and the Victorians (Papermacs)

Level 1 Bookkeeping for OCR Level 1 Bookkeeping Courses

Odd Socks

Evaluating the NHS Reforms

Printing Processes (How it Works S.)

The Teaching and Practice of Professional Ethics

Tintern Abbey

Power Play: An International Thriller

Harold and the Duck

Banish Your Belly

The Memory of Whiteness

Electromagnetism (Oxford Physics S.)

The Worst Children's Jobs in History

Progress with Oxford: Colours and Patterns Age 3-4

REST in Practise: Hypermedia and Systems Architecture

Perrault's Complete Fairy Tales (Puffin Classics)

The Rupert Annual: No. 63

Goodnight Spaceman

What's Wrong, Tom? (Viking Kestrel picture books)

Little Treasury of "Rupert Bear" (Little Treasuries S.)

Science Magic in the Living Room

The Club: How the Premier League Became the Richest, Most Disruptive Business in Sport

North Sea Oil in the Future: Economic Analysis and Government Policy (Trade Policy Research Centre)

The Unconventional Minister: My Life Inside New Labour

The Science of Housecraft