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Managing Money: Effective Management Skills (Effective Management Skills S.)

By Scott, John, Rochester, Arthur

Voluntary Organisations and Social Policy in Britain: Perspectives on Change and Choice

By Harris, Margaret, Rochester, Colin

Managing People

By Scott, John, Rochester, Arthur

Oxford Reading Tree inFact: Level 11: Tasty Travels

By Cosby, Glenn, Rochester, Kate, Gamble, Nikki

Technician Structure and Properties of Metals: Level 2 (Cassell's TEC series)

By Monks, H.A., Rochester, D.C.

Nursery Rhymes

By No stated author, Rochester, Anne

26 Characters: Celebrating Childhood Story Heroes

By Jones, cambridge, Rochester, Alice, Fresson, Robert

The Works of The Earl of Rochester (Wordsworth Poetry Library)

By Rochester, John Wilmot, Vieth, David M.

How to Survive Retirement: Charming Cartoons and Funny Advice to Help You Make the Most of Your Post-Work Years

By Haskins, Mike, Whichelow, Clive, Rochester, Kate

The New Parkinson's Disease Treatment Book: Partnering with Your Doctor To Get the Most from Your Medications

By J. Eric Ahlskog, Ph.D., M.D. (Professor of Neurology and Chair of the Mayo Section of Movement Disorders, Professor of Neurology and Chair of the Mayo Section of Movement Disorders, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN)

Heterocyclic Derivatives of Phosphorous, Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth, Volume 1

By Frederick G. Mann, Arnold Weissberger (Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, New York)

Training for the Healthcare Manufacturing Industries: Tools and Techniques to Improve Performance

By James L. Vesper (Learning Plus, Inc., Rochester, New York, USA)