books by author

Learning About the Bible

Saint George of England: Patron Saint of England (Collectables)

Festivals of the Christian Year

The Lion Book of Everyday Prayers for Children

The Great Little Easter Egg Book

Mentor and Friend

Expecting A Scandal: Expecting a Scandal (Texas Cattleman's Club: The Impostor) / His Best Friend's Sister (First Family of Rodeo)

Bible (First Look)

Discover the Bible with Hiram the Hyrax and Reuben the Raven

Now We Have a Baby

A Child's First Book of Prayers

Rock This

A Manual of Paediatric Dentistry, 1e

This Amazing World: Poems and Prayers of Wonder and Delight

Jesus and the Man Who Was Rescued (Treasure Chest S.)

Christmas: Crafts, Stories, Carols (First Festivals S.)

Survival Squad: Out of Bounds: Book 1 (Survival Squad, 1)

Taste and Smell! (Little lions)

Get Outdoors: Canoeing and Kayaking

My Very First Christmas: Christmas stories for the very young

Survival Squad: Night Riders: Book 3

Survival Squad: Whitewater: Book 4

Survival Squad: Search and Rescue: Book 2 (Survival Squad, 2)

Jesus and the Very Busy Sister (Treasure Chest S.)

Christmas Rhymes and Carols

Jesus and the New Beginning (Treasure Chest S.)

All About the Bible

The Lion Book of Tales and Legends

Lion Christmas Favourites