books by author
Roger Lancelyn

Biography of C.S. Lewis (A Condor book)

Tales of the Greek Heroes (Film Tie-in)

Thirteen Uncanny Tales

The Tragedies and Romances (v. 2) (Tales from Shakespeare)

King Arthur's Court (Penguin Children's 60s S.)

Robin Hood And His Merry Men (Penguin Children's 60s S.)

C.S. Lewis: A Biography

Five Children And IT (Penguin Popular Classics)

King Arthur And His Knights Of The Round Table (Everyman's Library CHILDREN'S CLASSICS)

Nung-Guama (Read & Listen S.)

Heroes of Greece and Troy (Retellings S.)

Biography of C.S. Lewis

Alice in Wonderland (World's Classics S.)

Alice in Wonderland (World's Classics S.)

Alice in Wonderland (Oxford Paperbacks)

Four Great Greek Myths (Penguin Children's 60s S.)

Tales of the Greek Heroes: Roger Lancelyn Green (Puffin Classics)

King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table (Puffin Classics)

The Adventures of Robin Hood (Puffin Classics)

Tales Of Ancient Egypt

A Book of Magicians (Puffin Books)

TALES OF THE GREEK HEROES: Retold from the Ancient Authors