books by author
Roger McGough

The Ring of Words: An Anthology of Poetry for Children

Dotty Inventions: and some real ones too.

Daniel and the Beast of Babylon

You Have Been Warned!: A Collection of Cautionary Verse

Selected Poems

That Awkward Age
Helen Highwater: A Shropshire Lass

What On Earth Can IT be?

Stinkers Ahoy!

My Oxford ABC and 123 Picture Rhyme Book

Pillow Talk: A Book of Poems (Puffin Books)

Another Custard Pie

Mind the Gap: Band 12/Copper (Collins Big Cat)

The Way Things Are

Magic Fountain, The: By H.R.H.Princess Gloriana

Sky in the Pie: A Book of New Poems (Puffin Books)
In the Glassroom

Grimms Clowns on the Road
The Oxford 123
Frinck a Life in the Day of, Summer with Monika

The Mersey Sound: Adrian Henri, Roger McGough and Brian Patten (The Penguin poets)

You Tell Me!

Sensational!: Poems chosen by Roger McGough