books by author

The Wrong Advice (Little Miss New Story Library)

Galactic Games - Sci-Fi Spy Guy (Full Flight Heroes and Heroines)

Shadows from Beyond the Stars: 10 (Alien Detective Agency)

Clowns in Town (Alien Detective Agency)

Hard Wired Leadership: Unleashing the Power of Personality to Become a New Millennium Leader

A Dictionary of Modern Critical Terms

Critical Studies: Emma & Persuasion

The Origins Of World War One

Access to History: The Early Tudors: Henry VII to Mary I, 1485–1558 Second Edition

DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Provence & The Cote d'Azur

Fascism: A History

Collection Monsieur Madame (Mr Men & Little Miss): M. Costeaud et l'ogre: 2252047

Collection Monsieur Madame (Mr Men & Little Miss): Les Monsieur Madame et le gra

Country Studies: Brazil (Paperback)

The Making of the Tudor Dynasty

Contemporary Political Ideologies

English Short Stories of Today: 4th Series


Cross in the Topsail: An Account of the Shipping Interests of R.W. Paul Ltd, Ipswich

Access To History: Government and Reform - Britain 1815-1918, 2nd edition

Glass and Glassmaking (Shire Album): 83 (Shire Library)

Neurophysiology, 4Ed

Alphaprints: ABC

Charlie Oink (Piccolo Books)

Person-Centred Counselling in a Nutshell

End of Empire (Course A319)

First Class: Student's Book: English for Tourism

Clough and Revie: The Rivals Who Changed the Face of English Football

Playtime: Picture Play