books by author
Ronald A.

Oxford Textbook of Surgery

Touchpoints for Women

The Church Under the Law: Justice, Administration and Dicipline in the Diocese of York 1560–1640

Administrative Law: Cases and Materials

Practice of Adpative Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and the World: A Fieldbook for Practitioners

The Illuminated Walden: In the Footsteps of Thoreau : Excerpts from the Book Walden, Or, Life in the Woods

Materials and Processes in Manufacturing

School and College: Studies of Post-sixteen Education

Education (Aspects of Modern Society S.)

Creative Contradictions in Education: Cross Disciplinary Paradoxes and Perspectives: 1 (Creativity Theory and Action in Education, 1)

Foundations of Computational Mathematics: 284 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Series Number 284)

Food Allergy: Adverse Reactions to Foods and Food Additives

Dynamic Programming and Markov Processes (Technology Press Research Monographs)