books by author


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The Challenge of Pain

By Melzack, Ronald, Wall, Patrick D.

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics

By Giles, Ronald, Evett, Jack, Liu, Cheng

On The Nature Of The Universe (Penguin Classics S.)

By Lucretius, Latham, Ronald, Godwin, John

The New State of the World Atlas

By Kidron, Michael, Segal, Ronald

An Activity Course in Office Administration

By Brealey, Ronald

Now I Remember: All the English History you'll ever need!: Holiday History of Britain

By Hamilton, Ronald


By Holt, Nigel, Bremner, Andy, Sutherland, Ed, Vliek, Michael, Passer, Smith, Ronald

By the North Sea: An Anthology of Suffolk Poetry

By Semmens, Aidan, Blythe, Ronald

Seven Plays By Sean O'casey: A Student's Edition

By O'Casey, Sean, Ayling, Ronald

Myths and Legends of Ireland

By Pearsall, Ronald

Franz Liszt: The Man and His Music

By Taylor, Ronald

Robert Schumann: His Life and Work

By Taylor, Ronald

Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes (Puffin Modern Classics)

By Coerr, Eleanor, Himler, Ronald

Is Democracy Possible Here?: Principles for a New Political Debate

By Dworkin, Ronald

Borderland: Continuity and Change in the Countryside (Wormingford)

By Blythe, Ronald

God in AIDS?: A Theological Enquiry

By Nicolson, Ronald

Better English: Bk. 3

By Ridout, Ronald

Conflict and Christianity in Northern Ireland

By Mawhinney, Lord Brian, Wells, Ronald

Your English: Bk. 4

By Ridout, Ronald

The Web of Words Student's book

By Carter, Ronald, Long, Michael N.

Survey of the State of the Art in Human Language Technology (Studies in Natural Language Processing)

By Cole, Ronald, Mariani, Joseph, Uszkoreit, Hans, Varile, Giovanni Battista, Zaenen, Annie, Zampolli, Antonio

The Jungle

By Sinclair, Upton, GOTTESMAN, Ronald, Upton Sinclair

The Nose (Penguin Little Black Classics)

By Gogol, Nikolay, Wilks, Ronald

The Gauntlet

By Welch, Ronald, Freeman, T.R.

Aural Training in Practice BOOK III - Grades 6 to 8

By Smith, Ronald

Diary of a Madman, The Government Inspector, & Selected Stories (Penguin Classics)

By Gogol, Nikolay, Maguire, Robert, Wilks, Ronald

Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger

By Ronald, J. Sider

Odd Man Out

By Biggs, Ronald

Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice

By Hoffman MD, Ronald, Benz Jr. MD, Edward J., Shattil MD, Sanford J., Furie MD, Bruce, Cohen MD PhD, Harvey J., Silberstein MD, Leslie E.

Our Story

By Kray, Reginald, Ronald, Dinenage, Fred