books by author
Rose Impey
I-spy, Pancakes and Pies
Potbelly's Lost His Bike
Feather Pillows (Collins picture lions)
Sneaky Deals and Tricky Tricks
Scout and Ace: Kippers for Supper
Three Heads to Feed
Sir Lance-a-Little and the Big Bad Wolf: Book 1
Sir Lance-a-Little and the Three Angry Bears: Book 2
The Sleepover Club at Rosie's
Pirate Patch and the Great Sea Chase
Pirate Patch and the Chest of Bones
Monster's Terrible Toothache
Greedy Guts and Belly Busters
The Bedtime Beast
Mega Sleepover 2 (The Sleepover Club)
Phew, Sidney!: The Sweetest Smelling Skunk in the World
Monster and Frog Get Fit
Welcome Home Barney
Stella's Staying Put
In Trouble with Bertie Barker: Book 3
A Fortune for Yo-Yo: The Richest Dog in the World!
Monster And Frog and the Big Adventure
Runaway Cakes and Skipalong Pots
Too Many Babies: The Largest Litter in the World
Titchy Witch and the Stray Dragon
The Birthday Broomstick
Wide Open Wilbur: The Most Welcoming Whale in the World (Animal Crackers)
The Flat Man (Creepies)