books by author

The Aztecs (Understanding people in the past)

Armourer's House

Sun Horse, Moon Horse

The Road to Camlann: The Death of King Arthur (Knight Books)

The Haunting of Joey M'basa (Antelope Books)

There's Something About a Convent Girl

GC Energy Matters (Geography Collection)

ASE Primary Science Teachers' Handbook


Rights beyond Borders: The Global Community and the Struggle over Human Rights in China

White Out: How Politics is Killing Black Australia

The Food Trap: Self Help Plan to Control Your Eating Habits

Happy Birthday, Davy!

William's Story

Twas The Night Before Christmas and Other Christmas Stories: and the Other Christmas Stories (Wordsworth Children's Classics)

The Silver Branch (New Oxford library)

Faking it: A Look into the Mind of a Creative Learner (Cassell Education)

One to One

New Star Science Foundation/P1 Teachers' Resource Book (STAR SCIENCE NEW EDITION)

Houses and Homes (No. 2 (Infant)) (Topic Support Pack)

Heinemann History Depth Studies: Britain and the Slave Trade (Paperback)

The Girl From Penvarris

Mediaeval Times (Stories from History)

Rosemary Conleys Low Fat Cookbook

Robert Elsmere (World's Classics)

Taking in Students: How to Make Your Spare Room Pay

Cordon Bleu Cookery

Introducing Commerce

The Oxford History of Britain and Ireland: Volume 3: Crown and People: 1500 - 1700 (The Young Oxford History of Britain & Ireland)