books by author

The Eagle of the Ninth Chronicles (The Eagle of the Ninth film tie-in editions)

My Pilgrim Way: Late Writings

Cambridge Plays: The Big Shrink (Cambridge Reading)

Thomas & Jane Carlyle: Portrait of a Marriage

Shake Dat Cocktail

The Pastry Book

Classic Pasta Cuisine (Classic cuisine)

The Oxford History of Britain and Ireland: Volume 3: Crown and People: 1500 - 1700 (The Young Oxford History of Britain & Ireland)

Cordon Bleu Cookery

Introducing Commerce

Taking in Students: How to Make Your Spare Room Pay

Countryside and Cloister: Reminiscences of a Carmelite Nun

The Red Wine Diet

The Kingfisher Book of Classic Girl Stories

Exploring Worship (Exploring a Theme)

The Quilter's Workbook

The Child's World: Assessing Children in Need

Time's Witness: History in the Age of Romanticism

Learning to Teach in the Primary School (Primary bookshelf)

Pupil Resource File (Y3-4/P4-5) (Primary Science Kit)

Larousse Dictionary of Literary Characters

King Arthur and His Knights (English Picture Readers)

Und Peopl Past: Vikings Cased (Understanding People in the Past)

The King Arthur Trilogy

Eagle's Honour

The Aztecs (Understanding people in the past)

Robert Elsmere (World's Classics)

Rosemary Conleys Low Fat Cookbook

Mediaeval Times (Stories from History)