books by author
Rosie Dickins
The Monkey King

Playtime Things to Make and Do (Usborne Activities)
the magic porridge pot

The Usborne Introduction to Art

Impressionists (Young Reading (Series 3)) (Young Reading Series 3, 29)

Magical Stories for Little Children (Story Collections Little Children) (Picture Book Collection)

YR2 TEMPEST (Young Reading Series 2)
The magic porridge pot
The story of Rome
William Shakespeare

The Genie in the Bottle (Usborne First Reading: Level 2)
The monkey king

London Sticker Book (Spotters Sticker Books)

See Inside Space Stations and Other Spacecraft: 1
The Magic Porridge Pot

How the Rhino Got His Skin (First Reading) (First Reading Level 1)

Othello (Young Reading (Series Two)) (Young Reading Series 3, 68)

Very First Art Book (Very First Books) (My Very First Art)

How the Leopard got his Spots: Level 1 (Picture Books)

Dracula: Young Reading - Series 3

The Magic Porridge Pot

Bugs (Internet-linked "Discovery" Programme S.)

Magic Melon

Stories of Unicorns

Dragon Painter

William Shakespeare

World of Shakespeare Sticker Book (Information Sticker Books)

The Swan Princess: Gift Edition (Young reading) (3.2 Young Reading Series Two (Blue))

Leonardo de Vinci/ Leonardo da Vinchi