books by author

Economics:: A Student's Guide

Spirits and Sorcerers (Best Tales Ever Told S.)

Scattered Reflections: Life through rhyme, verse, and form

The Price of Victory (Graphic Readers Level 4)

Michael Rosen's Sticky McStickstick: The Friend Who Helped Me Walk Again

Strategy Workout, The: The 10 tried-and-tested steps that will build your strategic thinking skills

Corporate Finance

An Innocent Woman

Sniff: Bk.1

The Bad Child's Book of Beasts (Red Fox picture books)

Theseus and the Minotaur (Hopscotch: Myths)

A-Z of Hell: Ross Kemp’s How Not to Travel the World

Don't Do That

Not Just a Book…

Hello Eiffel!: How They Raised the Roof in Blean

Collins Gem Flags (Collins Gems)

The Dance of Change: The Challenges of Sustaining Momentum in Learning Organizations (A Fifth Discipline Resource)

Superhero Phonic Readers: X-Ray Rex (Level 5): Book 5 (Phonics)
The World’s Worst Children 2
The World’s Worst Children

I Don’t Want to Go to Bed (Little Princess)

Down with the Romans! (Flashbacks S.)

William and the Midnight Adventure: Bk.9 (Meet Just William S.)

Sink the Armada! (Coming Alive S.)

Find King Alfred! (Coming Alive S.)

Boogie Bear: A heart-warming and funny illustrated picture book from number-one bestselling author David Walliams

I Feel Sick! (Little Princess)

Lomond Pocket History of Scotland: No. 4 (Lomond Pocket Book)

Robin Hood And The Silver Arrow