books by author
Ruth Rendell

The Fourth Wexford Omnibus : Incorporating Wolf to the slaughter, put on By cunning, the Speaker of Mandarin

The Best Man To Die. A Wexford Mystery

A Guilty Thing Suprised


Lake of Darkness/Veiled One

Harm Done

A Sight For Sore Eyes

Adam And Eve And Pinch Me

The Keys To The Street

Blood Lines: Long and Short Stories

Three Great Novels: A New Lease of Death; Vanity Dies Hard; The Secret House of Death
piranha to scurfy
The Crocodile Bird
Harm Done

The Rottweiler
One Across, Two Down
The Crocodile Bird

[(The Killing Doll)] [Author: Ruth Rendell] published on (March, 1995)

The Pocket Canons II: Psalms / Isaiah / Ruth / Jonah / Hebrews / Romans / Acts / Wisdom / Samuel (9 Volume Set)
Talking to Strange Men
The Bridesmaid
The Third Wexford Omnibus
The keys to the street

The Copper Peacock And Other Stories

Tu Accoucheras Dans La Douleur: Une Enquète de l'Inspecteur Wexford: Une enquête de l'inspecteur Wexford (Policier / Thriller)
Shake Hands For Ever
End in tears