books by author

The Complete Guide to Nine Star Ki: A Timeless System for Discovering Life, Love and Prosperity

The Ages of Globalization: Geography, Technology, and Institutions

Deutsche Handelskorrespondenz - Neubearbeitung

Rethinking General Practice (Social Science Paperbacks ; 251)

The Price of Civilization: Reawakening American Virtue and Prosperity

The Jail Diary

The Strange Alchemy of Life and Law

Stakeholder Engagement: Clinical Research Cases: 46 (Issues in Business Ethics, 46)

Peer Review of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: International Perspectives: 9 (Professional Learning and Development in Schools and Higher Education, 9)

Rethinking Educational Practice Through Reflexive Inquiry: Essays in Honour of Susan Groundwater-Smith: 7 (Professional Learning and Development in Schools and Higher Education, 7)

Macroeconomics in the Global Economy

Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet

Mog’s ABC: The illustrated adventures of the nation’s favourite cat, from the author of The Tiger Who Came To Tea

Underdog (Archway S.)

Harry and the Dinosaurs Say "Raahh!"

Mog and the Baby

The Price of Civilization: Economics and Ethics After the Fall

Developing Country Debt and the World Economy (NBER-Project Reports)

Politics (Hackett Classics)

The Fat Girl (Freeway S.)

Solti on Solti: A Memoir
The Road from Sharpeville

Macroeconomics in the Global Economy

The End of Poverty: How We Can Make it Happen in Our Lifetime

Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs (Book & CD)

Harry and the Dinosaurs Romp in the Swamp

The Snowman: The Book of the Film

Developing Country Debt and Economic Performance: The International Financial System: v. 1 (National Bureau of Economic Research Project Reports)

Poland's Jump to the Market Economy (The Lionel Robbins lectures)