books by author

The Secret Room

Calvin Coconut: Man Trip: 7

Calvin Coconut: Rocket Ride: 8

There's a Dragon in My Wagon! (Pop into Phonics)

Practice Tests Plus IELTS 3 with Key and Multi-ROM/Audio CD Pack

Practice Tests Plus IELTS 3 with Key with Multi-ROM and Audio CD Pack

Lift Off (4u2read)

The Cruellest Miles: The Heroic Story of Dogs and Men in a Race Against an Epidemic

Size Twelve

The Midnight Fox (Read & Respond)

Toy Trains: 255 (Shire album)

The Wedding (Little lions)

Moving House (Little lions)

Calvin Coconut: Kung Fooey: 6

Plant Physiology

The New Emperors: Mao and Deng - A Dual Biography

The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume 1: To 1877, Concise International Edition

Kittler Now: Current Perspectives in Kittler Studies (Polity Theory Now)

The New Emperors: Mao and Deng - A Dual Biography

900 Days: Siege of Leningrad

The War on our Doorstep: London's East End and how the Blitz Changed it Forever

The Scarecrow Queen: 3 (The Sin Eater's Daughter)

The 900 Days (A Da Capo Paperback)

Master Medicine: General and Systematic Pathology

Oral Microbiology

To Peking - and beyond: A report on the new Asia

Queen Elizabeth I (Great Lives)

Immunisation against infectious diseases

The Midnight Fox (Puffin Books)