books by author
Sallie Purkis
The big picture Romans, Anglo-Saxons And Vikings

A Teacher's Guide to Using School Buildings
Into the Past: Home, the Town and Work in the 1930's

Explorations Resource Book (A SENSE OF HISTORY PRIMARY)


Tomb of Tutankhamun Paper (A SENSE OF HISTORY PRIMARY)
Shakespearean Britain
Victorian Britain Resource Book
Britain in World War Two resources Book
At home in 1900

Tudor and Stuart Life Paper: Key Stage 2 - Resource Book (A SENSE OF HISTORY PRIMARY)
Britain in the World War Two
Looking at Teddy Bears
Looking at Teddy Bears

Tudor and Stuart Times: Key Stage 2 - Teacher's Book (Sense of History S.)
At Home And In The Street in 1900
A Sense of History Local History Teachers' Guide
Tudor Times Teachers' Book
Every Year

Victorian Town Children
Victorian Britain Teacher's Book
Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings Teacher's Book

Three Tudor Lives Paper (A SENSE OF HISTORY PRIMARY)
Every Year
Famous People Today