books by author
Pamela: v. 2 (Everyman's Library)
Poetry of the Countryside
Lyrical Ballads: With A Few Other Poems (Penguin Classics: Poetry First Editions)
The Cutting Edge of Modernity: Linocuts of the Grosvenor School
Reflections for Advent 2016: 28 November - 24 December 2016
Lives of the English Poets: v. 1 (Everyman's Library)
Danny the Duck with No Quack (Storytime)
The Languages of Logic
Research Handbook on Disasters and International Law (Research Handbooks in International Law series)
Counter-Terrorism: International Law and Practice
Hail to Mail
The Scimitar
Selected Works (Oxford Authors S.)
Incarnational Ministry: Being with the church
The Rejection of Consequentialism: A Philosophical Investigation of the Considerations Underlying Rival Moral Conceptions (Clarendon Paperbacks)
Ill Seen Ill Said
Economics of Adam Smith
Collected Shorter Plays
One-to-one: A Practical Guide to Learning at Home Age 0-11
Doctors' Dilemmas, Moral Conflict and Medical Care
Sammy's Surprise Deliveries!: A lift-the-flap baby animal book
The Innovator's Toolkit: 50+ Techniques for Predictable and Sustainable Organic Growth
In Pursuit of the Yellow Jersey : Bicycle Racing in the Year of the Tortured Tour (Cycling Resources)
The Beckett Trilogy - Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnameable (Picador Bks.)
German Boy: A Child in War
A Holocaust Controversy: The Treblinka Affair in Postwar France (Tauber Institute Series for the Study of European Jewry)
Changing Perspectives on the Social Sciences in Ghana
Johnson's Dictionary: A Modern Selection (Papermacs S.)