books by author
Sarah Hayes

Sleeping Beauty ;: The wolf and the seven little kids ; The fisherman and his wife ; The magic porridge pot


Beauty and the Beast Read Me a Story

This Is The Bear (Reading Together)

This is the Bear and the Picnic Lunch

Nine Ducks Nine

Eat Up, Gemma
The Book of Witches

This is the Bear and the Scary Night

Happy Christmas, Gemma

The Grumpalump

This Is the Bear

Cinderella ;: Lazy Jack ; Queen of the bees
Beauty and the Beast and other stories
this is the bear and the bad little girl

This is the Bear (Fun-to-read Picture Books)
This is the Bear
The Cats of Tiffany Street
This is the Bear
This is the Bear
The cats of tiffany street
This is the bear
this is the bear and the pictnic lunch
The Cats of Tiffany Street

The Grumpalump

Jack and the beanstalk ;: The little red hen ; The elves and the shoemaker ; The princess and the pea
This is the Bear

A Bad Start for Father Christmas