books by author
Sarah Horne

There's a Dragon in my Backpack!
Max's Box

Fizzlebert Stump and the Bearded Boy

Guinea Pigs Online: Viking Victory

Guinea Pigs Online: Christmas Quest

The Jelly That Wouldn't Wobble

The Jelly That Wouldn't Wobble

Quiz Cards: Animal Quiz

The Really Gross Body Book

Vulgar the Viking and the Terrible Talent Show

Puppy Academy: Star on Stormy Mountain

Who Stole the River?

National Trust: Harry the History Hounds Hysterical Historical Facts and Jokes

Too Shy for Show and Tell

Charlie Morphs Into a Mammoth

There's a Dragon in my Popcorn!

Vile: A Cautionary Tale for Little Monsters

Vulgar the Viking and the Battle of Burp

Pocket Quiz Book

Ask Oscar

Uma and the Answer to Absolutely Everything

Ghost Rescue and the Homesick Mummy

The Kids' Book of Wordsearches 2

Vulgar the Viking and a Midsummer Nights Scream

Leapfrog Fairy Tales: Thumbelina

Guinea Pigs Online

Vulgar the Viking and the Rock Cake Raiders

Vulgar the Viking and the Rock Cake Raiders

Vulgar the Viking and the Great Gulp Games