books by author

Information & Communication Technology for GCSE: Coursework Book (Information and Communication Technology for GCSE)

Brilliant Parent: What the best parents know, do and say (Brilliant Lifeskills)
Joe has Leukaemia

Simply Functional Medicine: Everything WOmen Need to Know to Take Their Health Back and Stop Feeling Like C.R.A.P!

The Sacred Anointing: Preaching of Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Explaining the Unexplained: Mysteries of the Paranormal

Life and Letters of Henry Martyn

Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice

Biomedicine and the Human Condition: Challenges, Risks, and Rewards

Shadowrun 14: Nosferatu: v. 14 (Roc S.)

Business and Politics in Britain (Business and Politics in Britain: An Introduction)

Food from an Italian Garden: More Than 200 Delicious Recipesfor Fruits And Vegetables: Traditional Fruit and Vegetable Recipes from Italy (Penguin Cookery Library)

An Introduction to Program Design (The McGraw-Hill International Series in Software Engineering)

Gems from Martyn Lloyd-Jones: An Anthology of Quotations from 'The Doctor'

Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose: The Story of a Painting

Cambridge IGCSE ICT 2nd Edition

The Magical Garden

Basic Teachings of the Great Psychologists

Information and Communications Technology for GCSE Second Edition

Information and Communication Technology for OCR GCSE (OCR GCSE Information & Communication Technology S.)

Psychology (Teach Yourself)

Business and Politics in Britain