books by author

Kings and Queens (Famous Lives)

Mountains (Geography Detective S.)

Surgery (Breakthrough)

Genetics (Breakthrough)

Great Battles And Sieges

Vietnam (Key History for GCSE)

Easter (Festivals)

Skills for Modern World History (GCSE History Companions)

Easter: 7 (Festivals)

Electricity (Breakthrough)

At Home and Around (Bk. 2) (Macmillan junior geography)

From Nelson to the Present: Story of Britain No. 4

Forge and Factory (Hulton New Histories)

Over 2000 Years Ago in Ancient Greece (History Detectives)

Rivers and Valleys (Geography Detective S.)

Skills for British and European History (GCSE History Companions)

Skyscrapers (How we build)

Prehistoric Britain

A Tudor Mansion: 6 (Imagining the past)

Britain's Living Heritage

Target Geography for Key Stage 3: Book Two

Target Geography for Key Stage 3: Book One: Bk. 1

Rainforest (Geography Detective S.)

Saints (Famous Lives)

Early Britain (Bk. 1) (Story of Britain)

The Modern World, 1914-80: A New Certificate Approach

What to Look for at the Castle

Robert Scott in the Antarctic (Great 20th Century Expeditions S.)

Old World (Bk. 1) (Exploring the Past)