books by author

Private Eye of New York (Jets)

Modern Philosophy: An Introduction and Survey

England: An Elegy

The Kingfisher Treasury Of Dinosaur Stories (The Kingfisher Treasury of Stories)

Modern Philosophy: An Introduction and Survey

Untimely Tracts

Conservative Thinkers: Essays from the "Salisbury Review"

England: An Elegy

From Descartes to Wittgenstein: Short History of Modern Philosophy

A Short History of Modern Philosophy: From Descartes to Wittgenstein (Ark Paperbacks)

Animal Rights and Wrongs

Four Black Puppies

The Disappeared

Sexual Desire: Sexual Desire (TRADE): A Philosophical Investigation

The Secrets of Santa (Ho! Ho! Ho!)

The Uses of Pessimism

Spinoza: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

The Uses of Pessimism & the Danger of False Hope

The Palgrave Macmillan Dictionary of Political Thought

Thinkers of the New Left

Beauty: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

Blimey! I'm a Budgie! (Swoppers S.)

A Dictionary of Political Thought

A Short History of Modern Philosophy: From Descartes to Wittgenstein

Modern Philosophy: An Introduction and Survey

Gentle Regrets: Thoughts From a Life

The Meaning of Conservatism (Pelican S.)

Where We Are: The State of Britain Now

Culture Counts: Faith and Feeling in a World Besieged