books by author
Sean McArdle

Mental Arithmetic (Level 1) (Essential Maths)

Essential Maths Level 2 - Mental Arithmetic (X16): Mental Arithmetic (Level 2)

Mental Arithmetic (Level 3) (Essential Maths)

Mental Arithmetic (Level 4) (Essential Maths)

National Test Papers: Year 4 (W.H. Smith National Test papers)

Maths Set 1

Mental arithmetic (WHS national tests for the year 2000)

Maths Made Easy (Carol Vorderman) Key Stage 2, Workbook 3 Ages 10-11: Age 10-11 Bk.3
Mental Maths Practice 9-10 Years

Maths Set 2: Key Stage 2 Tests (WHS national tests for the year 2000)
Mental Maths Practice

Whs Practise Mental Maths 10-11

Whs - Practise Mental Maths 7-8 Years