By Sheffield, Gary
By Chamundeeswari Kuppuswamy (University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England, UK University of Sheffield, UK)
By P.O. Brennan (Sheffield Childrens Hospital, Sheffield, UK), K. Berry (Birmingham Childrens Hospital, Birmingham, C. Powell, M.V. Pusic (Montreal Childrens Hospital, Canada)
By Sheffield, Charles
By Sheffield, Rob
By G. D. Sheffield, Sheffield, G.D.
By Sheffield, Edward
By Farndon, John, Sheffield, Rob, White, Mike, Foster
By Ennos, Roland, Sheffield, Liz
By Sheffield, Derek
By Sheffield, Professor Gary
By Sheffield, Gary, Douglas Haig, John Bourne
By Sheffield, Anne, Wallace, Mike, Klein, Donald F.
By Sheffield, Jack
By Sheffield, Charles, Charles.