books by author

Four Lions: The Lives and Times of Four Captains of England

Manchester United Ruined My Life

100 Best After-dinner Stories

A History of Modern Israel

High on a Cliff

The Land Beyond Promise: Israel, Likud and the Zionist Dream

The Triumph of Military Zionism: Nationalism and the Origins of the Israeli Right (International Library of Political Studies): v. 9

A History of Modern Israel

Israel and the European Left: Between Solidarity and Delegitimization

Hollywood Goes to War: Films and American Society, 1939-52

Israel, Likud and the Zionist Dream: Power, Politics and Ideology from Begin to Netanyahu

High on a Cliff

High on a Cliff

My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Best and Funniest After-Dinner Stories from the Famous

Garbo and Gilbert In Love: Hollywood's First Great Celebrity Couple

Raise Your Glasses: The best and wittiest anecdotes and after-dinner stories from the famous

Raise Your Glasses: The best and wittiest anecdotes and after-dinner stories from the famous

100 Favourite Dinner Stories From The Famous

100 Favourite Dinner Stories From The Famous

Buster: A Novel Based On His Own Original Screenplay