books by author
Shirley Bickler

Fierce Animals (Reading Stars)

The Sword in the Bone (Reading Stars)

Animal Escapes (Reading Stars)

Starway Station (Reading Stars)

You'll Never Believe This! (Reading Stars)

The Moon (Reading Stars)

Decorating Sabir's Room (Reading Stars)

Staying Alive (Reading Stars)

Ready for School (Reading Stars)

Late for the Party (Reading Stars)

That's Not My Problem! (Reading Stars)

Scruffy Goes to the Vet (Reading Stars)

Road Signs (Reading Stars)

Colours (Reading Stars)

The Magic Bicycle (Reading Stars)

Is That a Yeti? (Reading Stars)

Space Flight: Phonics Phase 5 (Reading Stars)

Breeds of Dogs: Phonics Phase 4 (Reading Stars Phonics)

Foxes: Phonics Phase 5 (Reading Stars Phonics)

Blue and Green Things (Reading Stars)

Dragon Island (Reading Stars)

A Light in the Forest (Reading Stars)

At the Pond (Reading Stars)

Voyage Non-fiction 2 (Y4/P5) Teaching Guide

Oxford English Voyage: Year 3/P4: Teaching Guide 1

Voyage Non-fiction: 1 (Y3/P4): Teaching Guide Single

Voyage Non-fiction 3 (Y5/P6) Teaching Guide
Navigator New Guided Reading Fiction Year 6, Creature Classics Teaching Guide

If I Had a Tail (Reading Stars)