books by author

Psychological Foundations of Sport

The English Assassin

A Death in Vienna

Michaelis: Moderno Dicionario Da Lingua Portuguesa

I Want To Watch

The English Spy

Developing the Secondary School Library Resource Centre (Books for Teachers S.)

Oil, Revolution, and Indigenous Citizenship in Ecuadorian Amazonia: Governing Indigenous Citizenship in Ecuadorian Amazonia (Latin American Political Economy)

French-Brazilian Geography: The Influence of French Geography in Brazil (SpringerBriefs in Latin American Studies)

Creative Industries and Urban Spatial Structure: Agent-based Modelling of the Dynamics in Nanjing (Advances in Asian Human-Environmental Research)

The Marching Season

Creative Industries and Urban Spatial Structure: Agent-based Modelling of the Dynamics in Nanjing (Advances in Asian Human-Environmental Research)

Teaching Science with Context: Historical, Philosophical, and Sociological Approaches (Science: Philosophy, History and Education)

PSHE Education 2 Pupil's Book

Catching Them Young (Young Pathfinder S.)

Prince of Fire: 5 (Gabriel Allon)

Meetings That Work (Business Skills Express Series)

The Secret Servant

First Templar Nation: How Eleven Knights Created a New Country and a Refuge for the Grail

Monsters and Morals ("Soundings") Issue 21

The Secret Servant

The Silva Mind Control Method

PSHE Education 1

The Unlikely Spy


Romanian Folk Dances for Cello

HAS THE CHURCH MISREAD THE BIBLE? the histiory of interpretation in the light of current issues

The Bang-Bang Club: Snapshots from a Hidden War

The English Assassin